Marketwatch EU & UK

Daily Insights
November 10, 2023

flag united states 1f1fa 1f1f8

  • The US is set to post the best weekly performance in more than two months triggered by hawkish comments from Federal Reserve policymakers. The US Dollar Index currently trades at 105.92, posting a 0.86% 5-day move.
  • Fed Chair Jerome Powell stressed in his speech at the IMF conference in Washington last night that the central bank is willing to raise interest rates again if needed to suppress inflation. Powell also stated, “we will continue to move carefully, however, allowing us to address both the risk of being misled by a few good months of data, and the risk of overtightening”.
  • Yesterday’s speech showed that their rhetoric needs to stay hawkish until they have seen further improvement on inflation. US CPI is due next week (Tue.) and will be the next key driver for the US Dollar and the market is positioning accordingly.

flag united kingdom 1f1ec 1f1e7

  • The UK have just missed the start of a recession in the third quarter, against many estimates. The UK GDP expanded 0.6% in Q3 YoY, vs. 0.5% estimated and it stagnated quarter-on-quarter, the weakest in four quarters, posting 0.0%, but beating the 0.1% contraction expected. This set of growth data gives fresh hope that the UK can dodge a recession but there is a fine line between stagnation and contraction until the end of the year.
  • Sterling advanced on the news to touch 1.2238, but it has corrected most of the move, currently trading at 1.2226. The market keeps looking for reasons to sell sterling and adding that we have US CPI next week, it is unlikely that traders will trade these fresh growth numbers.

flag european union 1f1ea 1f1fa

  • The euro keeps treading water against the greenback following hawkish words from Fed Chair Jerome Powell, leaving the pair below 1.07. EUR/USD dropped as much as 0.39% on Thursday, and we are currently trading at 1.0660’s. Christine Lagarde is due to speak today, as well as other FOMC members but the US CPI next week remains the key focus point.

Economic Calendar

AUD - RBA Monetary Policy Statement
GBP - GDP m/m
GBP - Prelim GDP q/q
GBP - Construction Output m/m
GBP - Goods Trade Balance
GBP - Index of Services 3m/3m
GBP - Industrial Production m/m
GBP - Manufacturing Production m/m
GBP - Prelim Business Investment q/q
EUR - Italian Industrial Production m/m
CNY - New Loans
CNY - M2 Money Supply y/y
CHF - Gov Board Member Schlegel Speaks
EUR - ECOFIN Meetings
EUR - ECB President Lagarde Speaks
USD - FOMC Member Logan Speaks
GBP - NIESR GDP Estimate
USD - Prelim UoM Consumer Sentiment
USD - Prelim UoM Inflation Expectations
EUR - German Buba President Nagel Speaks
USD - Federal Budget Balance

Market Indicators

Currency Pairs
Pair High Low
eur/gbp 0.8732 0.87158
gbp/usd 1.22333 1.22116
gbp/aud 1.92385 1.92011
gbp/nzd 2.07532 2.07115
usd/jpy 151.451 151.221
eur/usd 1.06749 1.06619
gbp/jpy 185.194 184.815
eur/cnh 7.79327 7.7808
usd/cnh 7.30322 7.29291
Equities and Commodities
Nasdaq 100 15186.1
DOW 33948.2
S&P 500 4353.78
WTI 76.05
GOLD 1955.74

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