GPS Adds To Development Team For Enhancement Of Electronic Foreign Exchange Platform, FXpert®


GPS was founded almost a decade ago on the idea of providing customized FX solutions to its clients. Based on that same philosophy, GPS built and designed an in-house electronic foreign exchange platform that is tailored to meet the individual needs of its customers. By expanding its development team, the company will be able to more quickly enhance the product for users to improve the way they combine and view information pertaining to their global operations.

The new version of FXpert® will also include:

  • An updated user interface that is easy to navigate
  • 24/7 Global Payment Module
  • 24/7 Foreign Currency Exposure Management Module
  • Analytics that reduce risks and cut costs

“The expansion of our development team further illustrates our commitment to providing our customers with the best electronic foreign exchange platform on the market,” said Ryan Gibbons, managing partner and a founding member of GPS Capital Markets. “FXpert® is a SAS 70 Type II audited platform that provides us with a competitive advantage because it is a unique, proprietary solution that addresses the needs of CFOs and others who handle currency transactions and manage global risk.”

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