
"Featured Article" Posts

FXbeacon: 75 Hard, 100% Smart: Currency Hedging Lessons from my “75 Hard” Journey

Imagine at the beginning of July, you decided to join me on a personal journey to transform physically and mentally by taking on the “75 Hard” fitness and mental wellness challenge (I started 66 days ago). For those who are not familiar, “75 Hard” consists of 5 daily challenges: A) Two 45-minute workouts (one has […]


Seven years ago, my wife took the liberty of signing me up for a tennis team without my knowledge. She thought I needed a hobby to balance the demanding world of finance, which absorbed most of my time.  After getting past some growing pains, I fell in love with the sport. Then, last year I […]

Veteran Fintech Attorney Takes Global General Counsel Spot

Portfolio Media. Inc. | 111 West 19th Street, 5th floor | New York, NY 10011 | Phone: +1 646 783 7100 | Fax: +1 646 783 7161 | Veteran Fintech Attorney Takes Global GC Spot At GPS Capital By Aaron West Law360 (July 3, 2023, 3:35 PM EDT) — Foreign exchange service firm […]

Critical Factors Affecting Operating Costs in the Resource Sector

Operating costs in the resource sector are expected to ease in 2023 due to volume improvements, yet inflationary pressures remain with labour costs putting upward pressure on operating expenditure (OPEX). At the recent Asia Pacific Carbon Conference (APCC) in Newcastle, Australia – coal producers openly discussed the increasing cost of operating mines in Australia. The […]

FXbeacon: Swim, Bike, Run, Hedge

The three sports of triathlons are swimming, biking, and running – in that order. Each discipline separately, is a challenge of its own and many people spend their whole lives enjoying the pursuit of a single sport.  However, putting them all together into one race and successfully completing a triathlon requires: assessing your current physical […]

Finance Digest – 5 FX Metrics Your Business Should Be Tracking

Businesses dealing internationally in multiple currencies are often met with the task of creating their own FX risk management strategy in order to limit losses to their bottom line from currency fluctuations. As such, the FX brokerage industry has emerged and thrived for the past 2+ decades, with many of them helping corporations develop and […]