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EuroFinance West Coast

New venue for 2024 in San Jose, CA

Learn more here: EuroFinance West Coast

The role of the treasurer has been propelled by the increasing prominence of treasury functions through the recent periods of market disruption and business change. As the US economy enters a presidential election year in 2024, markets are shaking off recessionary forces and analysts are forecasting modest growth. Global Treasury Americas West Coast 2024 will be a timely opportunity for treasurers to join their peers and discuss how to play a pivotal strategic role in supporting business objectives.

Explore the latest tools and strategies to ensure operations are optimised and aligned to support growth from securing liquidity, managing cash and capital as well as monitoring and mitigating risk. Case study presentations will provide unique insight into how other treasuries are fine-tuning processes and utilizing the latest technology to their benefit from API upgrades to AI in treasury, data management, automation and more.