How Finance Roles Use FX Software for Transparency and Efficacy


Market Update June 24 3











In the world of corporate finance, proficiency in foreign exchange (FX) software can bridge gaps and create a financial environment of maximum transparency. Notable figures like Ray Dalio, the founder of Bridgewater Associates—the largest hedge fund in the world with over $150 billion in assets—have emphasized the importance of clarity as crucial for success. In his book Principles, Dalio states, “Radical open-mindedness and radical transparency are invaluable for rapid learning and effective change.” When it comes to FX software, demystifying and optimizing treasury operations provides the foundation needed to elevate FX management to a higher level. 

While it’s easy to associate FX software with the needs of CFOs, the reality is that many members of treasury teams, across industries, benefit from platforms that combine reporting, analytics, optimized trading, intercompany netting, and advanced hedging functions. Here’s a look at how professionals in different roles within corporations use FX software to streamline operations, reduce manual processes, and gain a comprehensive view of their financial inflows and outflows. 


 1. Treasury Manager / Treasurer / Treasury Analyst

 The Treasury Manager, Treasurer, or Analyst is responsible for overseeing the company’s liquidity, funding strategies, and financial risk management, including foreign exchange risks. They use FX software to continuously monitor currency exposures and implement hedging strategies, such as forward contracts or options, to mitigate risk. Analyzing market trends and economic indicators helps them forecast future currency movements and adjust hedging strategies accordingly. The software is also crucial for managing intercompany netting processes to optimize cash flow and reduce the impact of currency fluctuations. 

Pain Points
  • Data overload: Managing FX is data-heavy, involving numerous data sources that can make netting and visibility challenging. 
  • Manual data gathering: Treasury managers often face the arduous task of collecting and organizing data, which can be delayed by international operations. 
  • Complex risk management: Implementing and adjusting hedging strategies requires precise and timely data, which can be difficult to obtain manually. 
Benefits of FX Software Platforms
  • Reduction of manual processes: FX software significantly reduces reliance on spreadsheets and manual calculations, enhancing accuracy and efficiency. 
  • Automation features: Automated hedge execution, currency exposure tracking, and intercompany netting ensure timely actions through alerts and notifications. 
  • Financial planning: During financial planning cycles, the Treasury Manager models various scenarios and assesses their impact on the company’s financial health using the software. 


2. Chief Financial Officer (CFO) / Financial Controller

The CFO oversees the company’s financial operations, including strategic financial planning, risk management, and regulatory compliance. They use FX software to review summaries of hedging activities and assess overall FX risk exposure. These reports inform strategic decision-making and ensure that financial strategies align with the company’s broader goals. The software is also used for long-term financial planning and budgeting, considering various currency scenarios. Similarly, Financial Controllers ensure accurate accounting records, prepare financial statements, and maintain compliance with financial regulations. They use FX software to record and reconcile FX transactions, ensuring compliance with hedge accounting standards. 

Pain Points
  • Data consolidation: Manually consolidating data from multiple sources is time-consuming and prone to errors. 
  • Regulatory compliance: Ensuring compliance with evolving hedge accounting standards can be complex without automated support. 
  • Strategic insights: Extracting actionable insights from disparate data sources can hinder timely strategic decision-making. 
Benefits of FX Software Platforms
  • Streamlined preparation of financial reports and strategic plans: Less manual data consolidation. 
  • Automated dashboards and reporting tools: Quick access to financial metrics. 
  • Presentation of insights: Derived from the software during quarterly reviews and board meetings, enabling the CFO to be better prepared and more informed about the business impacts of currency movements. 


3. Corporate Treasurer

The Corporate treasurer manages the company’s treasury operations, focusing on cash management, funding, and FX risk management. They oversee all FX-related activities using FX software, including executing spot trades and implementing hedging strategies. The software is also used for strategic planning and forecasting, helping to align treasury activities with the company’s broader financial goals. By leveraging FX software, the Corporate Treasurer can eliminate the need for manual tracking and spreadsheet management, enhancing accuracy and efficiency. 

Pain Points
  • Manual tracking: Reliance on spreadsheets for tracking and executing trades can lead to errors and inefficiencies. 
  • Market volatility: Reacting to market changes quickly is challenging without automated tools. 
  • Cash flow forecasting: Accurate forecasting requires real-time data integration, which is difficult to achieve manually.
Benefits of FX Software Platforms
  • Automated tools: Streamline transaction execution and cash management processes. 
  • Automated trade execution and cash forecasting features: Ensure timely and accurate management of cash and currency exposures. 
  • Monitor cash positions: In various currencies using the software.


4. Accountant

Accountants are responsible for recording financial transactions, preparing financial statements, and ensuring compliance with accounting standards. They use FX software to accurately record FX transactions and reconcile intercompany netting processes. The software helps prepare detailed reports on the company’s FX positions, ensuring that all transactions comply with relevant accounting standards. 

Pain Points
  • Manual data entry and reconciliation: These processes are error-prone and time-consuming. 
  • Regulatory compliance: Ensuring compliance with accounting standards for FX transactions can be complex. 
  • Data accuracy: Maintaining accurate records manually is challenging and often leads to discrepancies.
Benefits of FX Software Platforms
  • Automated data integration and reporting tools: Enhance efficiency and accuracy. 
  • Automated entries and reconciliations: Creates tidy FX transactions. 
  • Timely and accurate financial records: Crucial for periodic financial reporting and audits.


5. Accounts Receivable (AR) Manager / Accounts Payable (AP) Specialist

The Accounts Receivable Managers and Accounts Payable Specialists utilize FX platforms to manage currency fluctuations that impact international receivables and payables. They employ FX software for real-time monitoring of exchange rates, automating currency conversion calculations for invoices and managing multi-currency receivables efficiently. Detailed reporting capabilities help in assessing currency exposure and optimizing cash flow from international customers. 

Pain Points
  • Currency fluctuations: Managing the impact of currency fluctuations on receivables and payables can be complex. 
  • Payments: Dealing with archaic banking systems that don’t provide definitive proof of transfers; MT103 Swift messages aren’t available for multiple business days.  
  • Cash flow optimization: Ensuring efficient cash flow management across multiple currencies requires accurate, real-time data. 
Benefits of FX Software Platforms for AR Managers and AP Specialists
  • Real-time exchange rate monitoring: Helps mitigate currency risk by monitoring fluctuations. 
  • Automated currency conversions: Streamlines invoicing processes across different currencies. 
  • Detailed reporting: Provides insights into currency exposure and receivables management. 
  • Batch payments: Makes multiple payments in batches, whether straight from your ERP or through a SFTP to your beneficiary accounts.  



Mastering the latest FX software isn’t just about keeping up with technology; it’s about transforming how treasury functions operate in the modern financial landscape. By leveraging sophisticated platforms, treasury professionals across industries can streamline operations, minimize manual tasks, and gain a holistic understanding of financial flows. This approach not only enhances efficiency but also empowers teams to make informed, strategic decisions that drive financial success and resilience in a competitive global market. 


To learn more about FXpert’s comprehensive suite of cross border payment and risk management tools, schedule a call with a GPS FX advisor at 


GPS Capital Markets provides corporate foreign exchange services to help companies manage foreign currency risk and execute foreign currency transactions.

Clients across the world trust GPS to minimize their FX risk and grow their international business by combining competitive exchange rates and our award-winning FXpert® platform with a host of tailored international financial solutions, including Intercompany Netting, Hedge Accounting, Balance Sheet Hedging, cross border payments, Data Analytics, and Cash Flow Hedging. For more information, book a call with one of our expert advisors.

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