Marketwatch EU & UK

Daily Insights
June 7, 2024

flag european union 1f1ea 1f1fa

  • The European Central Bank finally cut interest rates, a move that was widely expected by the markets. The central bank said it is not “pre-committing” to any further moves but expressed its discomfort with increased cost pressures.
  • The deposit rate was lowered by 25 basis points to 3.75%, as estimated, even as officials raised inflation forecasts for 2024 and 2025.
  • Christine Lagarde hinted for a July cut and a potential move in September, but the monetary policy decisions statement highlighted a more cautious note on wage growth in June than it did at the April meeting. This change in tone is likely to push the next cut to September, rather than July.
  • The euro is unchanged continuing to hover the 1.09 level. Next resistance sits at 1.0915.

flag united states 1f1fa 1f1f8

  • The US Dollar Index is muted as traders wait for US jobs report later today which should provide further guidance on the Fed’s policy path.
  • The June FOMC meeting next week is widely expected to be the most pivotal in 2024 with many economists expecting the Fed to pencil in two cuts for this year, one in September and another in December (a November cut is unlikely to materialize due to presidential elections). The attention, after today’s employment data, shifts to the dot-plot coming out of the June meeting.

Economic Calendar

AUD - ANZ Job Advertisements m/m
CNY - Trade Balance
CNY - USD-Denominated Trade Balance
AUD - RBA Deputy Gov Hauser Speaks
JPY - Leading Indicators
EUR - German Industrial Production m/m
EUR - German Trade Balance
GBP - Halifax HPI m/m
EUR - French Trade Balance
CHF - Foreign Currency Reserves
EUR - German Buba President Nagel Speaks
EUR - Final Employment Change q/q
EUR - Revised GDP q/q
EUR - European Parliamentary Elections
CAD - Employment Change
CAD - Unemployment Rate
CAD - Capacity Utilization Rate
USD - Average Hourly Earnings m/m
USD - Non-Farm Employment Change
USD - Unemployment Rate
USD - Final Wholesale Inventories m/m
USD - FOMC Member Cook Speaks
USD - Consumer Credit m/m

Market Indicators

Currency Pairs
Pair High Low
eur/gbp 0.85202 0.85131
gbp/usd 1.27922 1.27816
gbp/aud 1.91945 1.9153
gbp/nzd 2.0666 2.06177
usd/jpy 155.936 155.33
eur/usd 1.08978 1.08867
gbp/jpy 199.37 198.609
eur/cnh 7.90968 7.8964
usd/cnh 7.26124 7.25284
Equities and Commodities
Nasdaq 100 19053.9
DOW 38946.4
S&P 500 5360.81
WTI 75.69
GOLD 2375.41

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