Marketwatch EU & UK

Daily Insights
July 22, 2024

flag united states 1f1fa 1f1f8

  • President Joe Biden announced on Sunday he is out of the presidential race with the decision being in the best interest of the Democratic Party and the country, according to Biden himself. Vice President Kamala Harris now steps ups and Democrats have managed to top $50m in Democratic fundraising after the current president dropped out of the race.
  • The US Dollar is lower across major peers and is poised to see further weakness as political turmoil affects the haven status of US assets and shifts investors to a monetary policy play instead. As the news arrived, markets have entered the communication blackout period from the Federal Reserve, with no officials able to push-back on rate cut speculation. The focus now shifts to this week’s PCE data (Fri.), which is widely expected to show another disinflationary print. GDP data for the second quarter is also due to be released (Thurs.) and likely to show that the economy has expanded but at a moderate level.
  • USD/JPY slipped as much as 0.6% on the day to currently trade around 156.5.


 flag european union 1f1ea 1f1faflag united kingdom 1f1ec 1f1e7

  • The euro edges higher this morning, aiming to test the 1.09 resistance once again after trading as high as 1.0948 last week. It will be a quiet week in terms of data for the common- area, with Euro-area PMIs (Wed.) and Germany IFO survey (Thur.). Investors will also be looking out for the ECB’s report on monetary developments in the region for the month of June.
  • The sterling holds above 1.29 after breaking through 1.30 last week. The next key resistance is around 1.3044, last week’s high.  There is little data out of the UK this week, but Investors will be paying attention to UK Flash Composite PMI (Wed.).

Economic Calendar

CNY - 1-y Loan Prime Rate
CNY - 5-y Loan Prime Rate

Market Indicators

Currency Pairs
Pair High Low
eur/gbp 0.84312 0.84083
gbp/usd 1.29394 1.29012
gbp/aud 1.93848 1.92558
gbp/nzd 2.15558 2.13818
usd/jpy 157.612 156.76
eur/usd 1.09027 1.08765
gbp/jpy 203.611 202.443
eur/cnh 7.94417 7.922
usd/cnh 7.29588 7.27534
Equities and Commodities
Nasdaq 100 19670.6
DOW 40382
S&P 500 5533.67
WTI 79.07
GOLD 2400.29

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