

"FX Hedging" Posts

FXbeacon: Tailoring FX Hedging Strategies

My sisters and I on our boat on Lake Geneva in Switzerland. I. Intro Life is full of unpredictable events. I was born in one of the most peaceful countries on earth, Switzerland, but 20 years ago I was fleeing war in Burundi, my mother’s country, after a rocket bounced off our roof and exploded […]

Getting to Know the Animal of Your Corporate FX Risk

Over history, people developed systems for measuring time and keeping track of information. From cataloging the patterns in the night sky—like constellations—to creating educational anecdotes to pass on wisdom about life, love, or economics—like fables or parables—many of these metaphorical systems have featured animals. Like in Aesop’s fable “the Crow and the Pitcher,” when the […]

7 Key Currency Exposure Terms – Protect Your Business from FX Risks

Master currency exposure with these 7 key terms! Protect your business from FX risks and make informed financial decisions. Learn essential strategies now.

FX Risk and Currency Markets In a US Election Year

Download Article Once every four years, the world witnesses a highly anticipated event: the US presidential elections, yet the influence of these elections on currency markets and associated FX risk begins well before November 5th. This holds especially true in 2024, which will see both current US President Joe Biden and Donald Trump, the probable […]

4 Ways To Assess Your Company’s Foreign Exchange Exposure

When you take a close look at any business’s operations, most planning and management are determined by the company’s size and vertical. When I’ve talked to executives about how they run their companies, the consensus is there’s a mountain of difference between how to approach a small business’s operations versus a sprawling multinational’s. However, there’s […]

6 Benefits of Incorporating FX Hedging Solutions

As companies expand and start doing business internationally, they often engage in cross-border transactions, exposing themselves to currency exchange rate fluctuations. Currency exposure risk is an inherent outcome of engaging in the FX market. This uncertainty can impact transactional cash flows, making it imperative for corporations to employ effective risk management strategies. One such crucial […]

2023 Year-End Currency Hedging: Navigating FX Fluctuations During the Holiday Season

Download PDF As the holiday season comes into swing, attention may shift away from managing foreign exchange exposures. Still, our analysis shows that this period of the year should be treated with the same vigilance as any other period. In this research piece, GPS delves into an analysis of the most actively traded currency pairs, […]

Hedging Strategies for GBP: What’s been effective in the past year?

Download PDF As the GBP/USD spot rate currently sits at the midpoint of its 12-month range, many corporate treasurers are searching for the best way to hedge their currency exposures. This article analyzes the performance of various hedging strategies over the last year. To facilitate an accurate comparison, we’ve adopted a standardized approach: the corporate […]